have you ever had friends who give you presents and say to you, "happy birthday girl, i hope you like the present, it's the thought that counts!" well, i have friends like that but thank God only a handful, or not i'd not be getting many good gifts. *laughs* honestly, i really dislike this phrase a lot. a lot as in a lot a lot! why would the giver of the gift be saying it? doesn't it seem more logical if it were uttered by the receiver?
you get what i mean? many times, the giver of the gift uses this phrase to cover-up for the 'miserable' gift they give to their friends. Most times, these gifts are gifts-they-received-from-their-other-friends-which-is-too-useless-to-be-kept-but-too-wasteful-to-be-thrown-away. so what do they do with it??? you probably would have guessed right ;)
well, i was just reading a very good book just now *i will share more in the next post* and somewhere in the middle of the book, the author actually addressed this matter of gifts and thoughts. The chapter starts with him saying, "and speaking of gifts, i should tell you a rule...You know, it's not true that what counts is the thought and not the gift. It just isn't true. My mother always pulled my leg on that one. I have collected so much gift-wrapped trash over the years from people who copped out and hurriedly bought a little plastic cheapie to give under the protective flag of good thoughts. I tell you, it is the gift that counts. Or, rather, people who think good thoughts give good gifts"
i couldn's agree more. a loud amen from my side!
He even gave a classic example...Jesus. He said that God did not just send an angel or just some good, great, macho warrior to save the human-race...He sent His only begotten Son - His very best!
there was this one time i remember vividly...i went shopping for gifts with my mie, we were to get a birthday gift for her friend. Guess what mie got her? Gold earrings from Poh Kong!!! Solid heavy ones mind you, not those hollow empty light ones. I was puzzled, to me, it was a waste of money. In a somewhat frustrated tone, i asked mie, "why must we buy such expensive things for her? it's just a birthday present la?!!!" then she said something i will never forget, she told me, "girl, always get for people what you would like them get for you - remember the Golden Rule? abide by it, you can never go wrong!"
think about it.