Wednesday, February 25, 2009

yikes! HELP!
macam mana la wanna pack =(
shopping was fun, packing now, not so much anymore.

i'm still fiercely protective of all my late night catch up sessions with old friends *whom i have been meeting for the past 3 months!*
one of these meet ups even ended up on that eye on malaysia thingy which is an ironic name because you barely even see half of malacca from that huge-ferris-wheel-they-call-an-eye let alone malaysia! pics plagarised from aaron's blog, sorry i don't know how to link so this is prob d best acknowledgement i can give!

it was all good fun though, with our 50% discount for being an anak malaysia & talking the whole time while annoying the hell out of the old-coupld-who-were-pak-toh-ing & sharing our carousel! *i'm actually not sure whether it's meant to be called a carousel, anyway it's those bola bola things that we got into*

another plagarized picture, sorry la. one day i'll learn =) promise!

i'll admit that the increase in chatter was probably due to the fact that i was scared of the carousel rocking & it was so HIGH!
cannot play play with all these big & dangerous things wan k? dun laugh!
apa la, if fall down how?
but grace always has backup plans! *light bulbs lights up*
if the eye thingy stops & i'm right on top, can i please have him come & save me, please? *note that i said please TWICE*
thank you for your time & attention listening to my chatter =)

ps:// that whole post up there,
was hormones talking plus the fact that i'm still in denial about going back to the land of silly accents.

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