Tuesday, October 21, 2008


sometimes we take for granted the little things like a wound healing after a scratch on the knee, but, learning haemostasis (the process of blood clotting and then the dissolution of the blood clot, following repair of the injured tissue) this week...makes me marvel at how these seemingly simple things are actually not that simple.

Having to remember the 13 different clotting factors *which include weird names like Christmas?! & Stuart Prower* and how an activation of one leads to the activation of another really makes me go goo-goo-gaa-gaa...

having said that, i am looking forward to wet-lab this Thursday where i will be "discovering" my blood group. oooh the excitement!

to you...sometimes what seems to be the end is really a new beginning.
i know you're sad but trust me...you deserve better.


  1. hate memorizng dis cascade reaction over n over again

  2. i finally discovered who this matrix21 is...
    thanks for always silently reading...haha...
