This is d so-called accommodating-very-nice other person in this blog.
i'm Grace & this is a surprise to me and to all.. Yi Wen jumped this on me a few hours ago and was patiently answering all my ques
ques 1: how am i suppose to write stuff on my blog?
ques 2: where la do i sign in?
after a few "chats" and she talked about cbox
ques 3: what on earth is a cbox? goodness!
i'm a bit confused & not sure whether this is really me, pouring-my-heart-out-on-paper-and-ranting-to-imaginary-readers-instead-of-yi-wen.. EEKS!
but neways this sounds interesting enough to give a try..
oh wait introducing myself.. okok getting there!
Grace Gan from d lil town Melaka where my new found friends think we stay in d middle of d jungle & ride cows to school..
i loveeee so many things i think i should not even start my list but you'll find out soon enough!
i'm 20?
and very veryy new at this!
oh yea i'm in LaTrobe Uni in Melb!
and that's all i can think of for now!
ps:// i use these ps// stuff unnecessarily but i love them so i don't care! i just feel a post feels so empty without pics and btw i have no idea y that light thing is shining in my pic it's just THERE1 blah.. let's not think grace photoshops cuz she has no patience making her hand smaller, pur light here there all over d place and god knows what!
i'm done! i'm done!!
ENJOY! *for real this time*
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