Saturday, November 1, 2008

faith like a child...

how do we let go of something, with the deepest of faith that something better is out there for us?

it's like a young boy, with his hand stuck in a cookie jar.
his mom tried everything to get his hand out, oil, butter, water.. but his hand wouldn't budge.
it was a gorgeous porcelain colourfully decorated and obviously precious jar and the mum was going to break it to free her son's hand before she said, " son, try this again for mummy alright?.. straighten your fingers as much as you can, and try pulling them out of the jar"
her son said, "but mummy, i will drop the cookie crumbs in my hands".

to the young boy, the cookie crumbs were his world, they were all he had.
& as a child, he got his faith from his mummy..

he knew deep inside his innocent young heart, that mummy had a plan for him after he stuck his hand out of the cookie jar. he knew mummy has a nicer brighter and maybe even better cookie or toy for him!

as we get older, do we have the same faith like a child?
do we have the courage to take our hands out of the cookie jar?

where do u find the courage to let go of emotions, belongings, feelings and the baggage that hold you back, to give way for a new future?

i think we all have to find that strength one day, question is..
where does yours come from?

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